Saturday, March 3, 2012

Choosing Change

I have always said I hated change. Looking back, I think I worked pretty hard to avoid change at all costs. About two years ago I took what felt like a big risk and I chose change. I chose to go take a position at a new school that professionally held many opportunities and possibilities for me. It was terrifying to leave my safe surroundings, familiar families, teachers I had developed collaborative relationships with, and all of the students I loved seeing every day. For one of the first times in my life, I made a decision that felt like what was best for me and I chose change. The last two years have slowly sent me into a flurry of choosing change, both professionally and personally (in actuality, it is probably a slow pace, but it is quite rapid given my track record). I've taken a new position within my school, begun to find my voice and my confidence, and realized that I get a say in how things go in my life. These things have not come naturally to me up to this point. I definitely am a work in progress as I move through my life differently now. Choosing change was the first step in this journey. Embracing the unknown, rather than fearing it has helped me move to this place. I'm excited by how it has gone so far and I am anxious to see whats next.


  1. It sounds like you are in a happy place with the decisions that you've made. I know that change is hard. I changed schools after twenty years in one school. It was painful for a while, but in the long run it was for the best. It made me the person I am now. I like her.

  2. Change is hard, but I do believe it's how we grow. Congrats that you took the leap. I hope you will be amazed by how stepping out of your comfort zone can lead you.
